
Bioscrape have not invented anything new, “Hell Or Reality”, their new album is the classic Metal where the guitars are scrambled creating the classic and by now obvious metrics, the drums are beaten and a screaming voice does all the rest to close the circle. A circle that if it weren’t for the nice idea of seasoning everything with electronic parts would already be closed on the first track.

This small and apparently insignificant detail is the reason why I pushed myself out of curiosity, to get to the last song. To listen to this album we must be attentive and good at reading between the notes to realize that in the end there is some stuff, that the three Italian boys have transformed the usual broth into a caviar-based first course.

A constantly high and scorching temperature, with “War of Illusions”, passing through “Unscarred”, and ending in beauty with “Infodemic”. Everything in its place, in the right metric and in the second days, without exaggerating, without filling the listening. Bioscrape, with this new album have confirmed the classic saying never judge an album by its cover (even if it is often used for a book) and that’s why I strongly advise you to give this band some of your time to go listen to “Hell Or Reality”.

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